Friday 20 February 2015

Human resource management, services and relationship marketing: the potential for cross-fertilization

Journal of Strategic Marketing Human resource management, services and relationship marketing: the potential for cross-fertilisation Damianos Giannakisa, Michael J Harkerb & Tom Baumc a Hellenic American University, 22 Massalias Street, Athens 10680, Greece b Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, 173 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G4 0RQ, UK c Department of Human Resource Management, University of Strathclyde, 173 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G4 0RQ, UK Published online: 21 Jan 2015.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Are you thinking of "marketing practices"

To learn more about "marketing practices" visit

Effective communication matters

Today's argument: "Effective communication between marketing and sales will have positive effects on collaboration between sales and marketing". (Ken Le Meunieur-Fitzburgh and Piercy, 2007, pp. 945) What are your experiences?

Behaviorism at the POS produces mixed perceptions

Retail banking employee of my Bank operating at a P.O.S / retailing outlet not far away from my own branch / retailing outlet - contacts me over the phone. RBE uses a cause for calling me which was not really substantial; RBE was loud over the phone – I could not tell why; When I told RBE about the tone of voice, she did not even try to reduce volume over the phone; RBE was talking fast like somebody who wanted to finish a painful experience; RBE acted totally bureaucratic – their own systems matters; “Bring to us documents of your account identification”; When I asked why do you want them, since I am your customer for more than 20 years and you have everything in your systems, the answer was “the Central Bank needs the update”!!!! At the end RBE concludes: “when you will come in our outlet, come by my office on the first floor. I want to meet with you in informing you about our new products / services” Would I go?