Friday, 7 March 2014

Showcasing the Greek Tourism product

The philosophy of Marketing Greece incorporates synergy, innovation and integrated strategic planning and implementation. More specifically, Marketing Greece is a strong proponent of synergies between the varying forces within Greek tourism operators, emphasizing on innovation, and the utilization of the industry professionals’ accumulated knowledge. Along these lines, Marketing Greece strives to bring together the above resources and utilize modern trends and practices of marketing and digital communication in order to upgrade the Greek Tourism Product and, ultimately, propel the country’s economic and social development. For more information:


Manos L. said...

Very well said:
Unfortunately, the many syndicates, unions, and the unwillingness of the Greeks to comply with internationally established thinking, has brought us in the bring of having to rethink our actions and way of doing business, if we really want to excell, and not just survive.

Manos L. said...

Very well said:
Unfortunately, the many syndicates, unions, and the unwillingness of the Greeks to comply with internationally established thinking, has brought us in the bring of having to rethink our actions and way of doing business, if we really want to excell, and not just survive.