Monday, 28 May 2012

The top 100 most valuable global brands

The top 100 global brands shows Apple increasing its lead and the top brands getting younger, while businesses that have a purpose beyond profit - and women on the board - thrive. Companies looking to cut corners by removing budgets from the marketing department could damage the business, warns Walshe Millward Brown’s global BrandZ director. “If you cut your marketing spend you might have a short-term gain but you will have a medium and long-term loss.If the brand is still strong, the business is going to recover. The real worry is when your brand is not so strong, then that’s much harder to recover from.”

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Measuring marketings worth - Marketing Metrics

Measuring marketing’s worth. You can’t spend wisely unless you understand marketing’s full impact. Here are five questions executives should ask to help maximize the bang for their bucks.